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Pregnant Belly

Pregnancy: The Bump

Congrats! You are pregnant. Acupuncture, contrary to what other people may think, has been proven to be completely safe during pregnancy and has shown to be extremely beneficial.


Now that you have conceived, we shift our attention to maintaining and nurturing your pregnancy!

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Who is The Bump Plan for?

Women who were originally on the fertility plan with OVA.

Women who are looking for a holistic approach to a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnant Belly

Why is Acupuncture Important for Pregnancy?

Prenatal acupuncture sets the tone for a healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery. During each trimester, acupuncture is meant to help nurture your changing body. 


During your first trimester of pregnancy, for example, acupuncture alleviates early symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and heartburn. As your body and baby grow and continue to change, acupuncture can help with aches, swelling, constipation, and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.


The most important time for acupuncture during pregnancy is the third trimester because this is when we help moms prepare their bodies for labor. Acupuncture prepares a woman’s body for labor by toning, relaxing, and softening the uterine ligaments. This encourages blood flow to the pelvis, which then helps the baby descend into the birth canal in the proper position.


Why is this important? 


We want to prepare the cervix to soften and dilate, which will encourage the muscles to properly contract when needed. Routine acupuncture visits in preparation for birth during pregnancy have been shown to have reduced risk of medical intervention and faster and easier births for women.

Are You Worried About Going Past Your Due Date? Consider Natural Induction

Dr. Zakes has plans in place with your plan to stimulate and help get your baby into the birth canal. These treatments are usually done more frequently than your typical pregnancy acupuncture appointments until labor begins. 


This natural induction protocol starts at 37 weeks and combines acupuncture, cupping, yoni stream, and electrical stimulations. The acupuncture helps stimulate the muscles for contractions and the stream rubens and softens the cervix, so it’s more likely to open naturally. 


Patients will come in 3xs a week until labor begins naturally! This is also a great option to consider before medical induction with Pitocin or a c-section. 


Ova Even Helps With Breech Babies


When a baby hasn’t turned yet, then they are considered a breech baby. Oftentimes, women believe a c-section is their only option when this happens.


This is NOT the case! With the use of acupuncture moxibustion, we can turn breech babies from week 35 to 38. 


Does Acupuncture Cause Preterm Labor?


Dr. Zakes specializes in fertility acupuncture and prenatal acupuncture. With that being said, she avoids specific points until your due date, so there’s no need to worry. 


During your appointment and even prior, she’s more than happy to answer any questions or explain each point she’s stimulating and the reason for it.

What Should I Expect from The Bump Plan at OVA?

Each trimester, your acupuncture treatment will slightly change, depending on your baby’s growth.

The 1st Trimester focuses on weekly treatments to stimulate progesterone levels and support your body as it adjusts to the changes of pregnancy.

First Trimester

The 2nd Trimester scales back to monthly visits and nourishing your body as the baby grows!

Second Trimester

In the 3rd Trimester, we begin the Natural Induction Protocol at 37 weeks to encourage labor with acupuncture and electrical stimulation to promote contractions, while the yoni

steams gently encourage the cervix to ripen and dilate.

Third Trimester

This plan also includes bi-weekly visits with our functional medicine coach to help you transition and implement any changes or dietary concerns you may be having. 


Part of your treatment plan will consist of monthly workshops that will bridge our in-office treatments to the changes you will be implementing at home!

Let's break down The Bump Plan with OVA by Trimester:

First Trimester 

  • Acupuncture weekly

  • OVA's Guide to the 1st Trimester (Ebook)

  • Functional Medicine Visit

  • Monthly Workshop with Guest

  • Self-Care Starter Kit

Second/Third Trimester

  • Acupuncture weekly

  • Bodywork monthly

  • OVA's Guide to the 2nd Trimester (Ebook)

  • Functional Medicine Visit

  • Monthly Workshop: "Your Holistic Birth Plan & Nesting."

Last Month (Induction)

  • Acupuncture weekly

  • Bodywork weekly

  • OVA's Guide to the 3rd Trimester (Ebook)

  • Yoni Steams 2x per week until Labor

  • Monthly Workshop: "Labor Preparation, Infant and Post-Partum Care"

Are you ready to start
The Bump Plan at OVA?

We are available for in-clinic & virtual appointments.


Ova Health + Fertility is dedicated to providing complementary care that provides an integrative approach to Eastern medicine. By combining acupuncture and herbal medicine, we can provide drug-free relief for pain, stress, anxiety, autoimmune disease and fertility

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8200 W Sunrise Blvd, A4

Plantation, FL 33322






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